Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 1
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 2
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 3
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 4
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 5
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 1
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 2
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 3
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 4
Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 5

Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55

The Tranquillo rocking chair is ideal for everyone who likes things simple or wants a quiet escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life


    Ei tuotetietoja.

    mene kotisivulle

    outdoor rocking chair 

    The Tranquillo outdoor rocking chair is derived from the tranquil natural environment and simple life philosophy. The chair's clear woven details and simple lines avoid cumbersome decorations and embody a minimalist aesthetic. This design is designed to make the user feel relaxed and peaceful the moment they sit down, and find a spiritual habitat in the busy life.

    1-bg (12)

    제품 소재

    海绵 (6)
    High-density Quick-drying foam cushioning seat
    Tiger powder-coated thickened aluminum alloy bracket
    Anti-UV, water-resistant fabric (OEKO-TEX certified)
    储物1 (2)
    Backrest is weather-resistant rope braid
    1 (60)
    Burmese teak legs
    环保1 (4)
    E0등급 친환경 접착제

    제품 사양

    사전 설정 또는 사용자 정의 모듈식 구성으로 사용 가능

    HC55 SIZE
    Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 14

    혁신적인 디자인

    우리는 소재 선정과 디테일 가공에 특별한 주의를 기울여 부드럽고 편안한 촉감을 제공하고, 선이나 모서리 등의 디테일을 흠잡을 데 없이 처리했습니다. 전반적인 디자인의 목표는 미적 감각과 기능적 측면에서 조화로운 통합을 이루는 것입니다.

    x0 (3) (2)
    x0 (3) (2)
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    x0 (1) (2)
    x0 (1) (2)
    Woven embellishments
    The simple appearance with woven embellishments adds a unique and sophisticated charm to outdoor spaces.
    Thick Quick-drying sponge cushion
    The Tranquillo rocking chair is designed with the hip structure and relaxation posture in mind. Its optimal backrest angle and wide, thick Quick-drying sponge cushion offer excellent wrapping and support, ensuring a comfortable experience during relaxation.
    Thickened aluminum
    Thickened aluminum alloy tube welding ensures stable performance even in violent shaking.
    B01 (2)
    UV 차단 원단
    Miglio는 항상 지속 가능성에 중점을 두어 왔습니다. For example, Tranquillo rocking chair are made of quick-drying, UV-resistant fabrics that are certified sustainable, giving you exceptional comfort while protecting the environment.
    xa04 (2)
    Removable cushion
    The removable cushion makes care easy while also allowing you to experience a different level of relaxation.
    xa04 (1)
    Burmese teak legs
    The use of Burmese teak legs not only enhances the stability of the chair, but also adds a natural feel to the overall design.

    Handmade by artisans

    We believe in details. Every weaving detail is hand-crafted by skilled craftsmen, showing unparalleled craftsmanship and breathability. Every surface is carefully polished to ensure smoothness and flawlessness. Finally, strict quality inspection is passed to ensure that each chair meets the highest standards and gives users long-term enjoyment.

    0-bg (19)

    outdoor rocking chair 

    The Tranquillo outdoor rocking chair is derived from the tranquil natural environment and simple life philosophy. The chair's clear woven details and simple lines avoid cumbersome decorations and embody a minimalist aesthetic. This design is designed to make the user feel relaxed and peaceful the moment they sit down, and find a spiritual habitat in the busy life.

    1-bg (12)

    제품 소재

    海绵 (6)
    High-density Quick-drying foam cushioning seat
    Tiger powder-coated thickened aluminum alloy bracket
    Anti-UV, water-resistant fabric (OEKO-TEX certified)
    储物1 (2)
    Backrest is weather-resistant rope braid
    1 (60)
    Burmese teak legs
    环保1 (4)
    E0등급 친환경 접착제

    제품 사양

    사전 설정 또는 사용자 정의 모듈식 구성으로 사용 가능

    HC55 SIZE
    Tranquillo woven Mental rocking chair patio HC55 14

    혁신적인 디자인

    우리는 소재 선정과 디테일 가공에 특별한 주의를 기울여 부드럽고 편안한 촉감을 제공하고, 선이나 모서리 등의 디테일을 흠잡을 데 없이 처리했습니다. 전반적인 디자인의 목표는 미적 감각과 기능적 측면에서 조화로운 통합을 이루는 것입니다.

    x0 (3) (2)
    x0 (3) (2)
    x0 (2) (2)
    x0 (2) (2)
    x0 (1) (2)
    x0 (1) (2)
    Woven embellishments
    The simple appearance with woven embellishments adds a unique and sophisticated charm to outdoor spaces.
    Thick Quick-drying sponge cushion
    The Tranquillo rocking chair is designed with the hip structure and relaxation posture in mind. Its optimal backrest angle and wide, thick Quick-drying sponge cushion offer excellent wrapping and support, ensuring a comfortable experience during relaxation.
    Thickened aluminum
    Thickened aluminum alloy tube welding ensures stable performance even in violent shaking.
    B01 (2)
    UV 차단 원단
    Miglio는 항상 지속 가능성에 중점을 두어 왔습니다. For example, Tranquillo rocking chair are made of quick-drying, UV-resistant fabrics that are certified sustainable, giving you exceptional comfort while protecting the environment.
    xa04 (2)
    Removable cushion
    The removable cushion makes care easy while also allowing you to experience a different level of relaxation.
    xa04 (1)
    Burmese teak legs
    The use of Burmese teak legs not only enhances the stability of the chair, but also adds a natural feel to the overall design.

    Handmade by artisans

    We believe in details. Every weaving detail is hand-crafted by skilled craftsmen, showing unparalleled craftsmanship and breathability. Every surface is carefully polished to ensure smoothness and flawlessness. Finally, strict quality inspection is passed to ensure that each chair meets the highest standards and gives users long-term enjoyment.

    0-bg (19)
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